Fiction Blog, Writing Updates

Mid-Month Check-In: September 2015

I can’t believe September is already half over. I’ve spent the last six weeks (seven weeks, if we’re counting my pre-move time off in Kansas) being a full-time author. While a few of those weeks were unproductive (thanks to the move), the last four have been incredibly productive. I’m happy to report that there are several exciting announcements coming up, and I cannot wait to give you a taste of what I’ve been working on in this post!

For a quick refresher on all the goals I’m working on this year, check out my 2015 resolutions (most of which I should probably just throw out the window at this point!).


I’ve managed to write about four and a half new chapters in Desertera #2. Admittedly, I have a bit of sophomoric insecurity this time around, so I’ll be sending chapters to my alpha reader as I go so she can help me stay on track. When I wrote The Cogsmith’s Daughter (Desertera #1) (whose cover I revealed yesterday!), I finished the first draft in 30 days during NaNoWriMo 2014. I didn’t have time to be insecure. This time around, I have much more time to fret while writing, so I’m trying to push through it as best I can.

BP Business Card - Back - No BleedBUSINESS

This is the most exciting part of the news! As many of you will have seen yesterday, I have the ebook cover for The Cogsmith’s Daughter ready to go. As of this writing, I am still waiting on the final paperback cover, but I expect it any day now. Likewise, the novel’s editing and formatting are both done! You can even add it to your “to-read” list on Goodreads! Of course, no novel is ever perfect, so I expect a few typos will emerge when my keen-eyed newsletter subscribers receive their advance review copies this week (assuming they jump right into the book, that is) or when I do my last-minute oh-crap-this-is-releasing-soon third/fourth proofread.

On a purely “business” note, I have established new author photos (one for social media and one for my book covers), which I think fit my genre and brand much better than my old photo. Also, my logo designer, Brenda, saw my business card poll and leaped to my rescue with a gorgeous, professional business card design, which you can see above and below this paragraph. Needless to say, she is the best, and you should all click on her name and bombard her with orders.

Last, I aBP Business Card - Front - No Bleedm working on arranging blog tour to promote The Cogsmith’s Daughter during its upcoming launch. I will probably send out more details later, but if you are immediately interested in hosting me on your blog, feel free to shoot me an email to If you’d like to suggest your own post ideas, I’m game — but I do have a list of my own in case you don’t!


Things are going well in the “real life” department. Daniel is rocking his classes and slowly but surely conquering Greek. Thomas is being a bad ass, as per usual. I’ve started a new job as a copywriter for a wine marketing agency…so even if Boxthorn Press is a catastrophic failure, I can at least say that I am officially a “professional writer!” Other than that, we’re just monitoring our budget and trying to spend quality time together whenever our crazy schedules allow.


As I am just coming out of temporary unemployment, I am not quite yet re-insured and have become somewhat of a hypochondriac. Despite the fact that I am eating healthy (…who needs exercise when you get your veggies?), I am a bit stressed about health. I’m hoping to join the Yale gym with Daniel and get back to exercising soon. In the meantime, though, I am happy to report that my migraines have been minimal and my outlook (other than the mild hypochondria) positive.

And that does it for my September mid-month check-in. Remember, if you’re interested in helping out with my blog tour, shoot me an email. Also, make sure you stay around this corner of the interwebs for more exciting news to come!

How are your new year’s resolutions going? Have you been keeping up with your own writing goals? Share your progress and/or commiserate as needed!

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