Author Interviews, Fiction Blog

The 2K International Writers’ Blog Tour – Sabina Khan

Sabina Khan

sabinaSabina Khan is the author of Realm of the Goddess, the first in a series of YA Paranormal Fantasy books based on the gods and goddesses of India. She is an educational consultant and a karaoke enthusiast. After living in Germany, Bangladesh, Macao, Illinois and Texas, she has finally settled down in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, with her husband and three daughters, one of whom is a fur baby. She is passionate about the empowerment of girls and women, hoping to inspire them with the strong female characters in her novel.

What is the first piece you remember writing (from childhood or young adulthood)?

I think I must have been in Grade Three when I wrote a short story about two kids who found themselves transported to this magical world where giant golden raspberries hung from the trees and friendly giant snored on the fields.

What is your favorite aspect of being a writer? Your least favorite?

The fact that I can legitimately daydream and watch TV/movies and say it’s research. Also that I can watch people in public and imagine them as characters in my books, without wondering if I am slowly going insane. My least favorite aspect has to be the nailbiting moments when you wait to see if anyone will love it as much as you do.

Do you believe in writer’s block? If so, what is your best tip for beating it? If not, why not?

It has hit me over the head multiple times since I started writing, so yes I believe in writer’s block. It can be paralyzing and extremely humbling, but I find that giving yourself a good kick in the butt or better still having someone else around to do that for you can be a swift but effective remedy.

sabina bookWhat is your current writing project? What is the most challenging aspect of your current writing project?

Currently I am working on Book Two of the Realm of the Goddess series. I would say that the most challenging aspect of this is to fill the reader in on what happened in the first book without going into it too much. It’s hard to find a balance sometimes.

What supports you in your writing?

I would have to say that the constant encouragement of my family and friends has kept me going. It’s important to have a cheering section in your corner, but equally essential to have people who keep you grounded. I feel very lucky to have both. Of course I also have a puppy who keeps my toes toasty while I’m writing.

What are you currently reading?

The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. Absolutely magical and mesmerizing.

Where can our readers find you and your books online?

Follow me on Twitter: @Sabina_Writer

and Facebook:

Find out more at


14 thoughts on “The 2K International Writers’ Blog Tour – Sabina Khan”

  1. I’m so glad I got to learn a bit more about Sabina Khan and her book. I’ve always been interested in mythology and tales—and I’m intrigued to learn more about the gods and goddesses of Indian culture. Yet another book to add to the “to read” list! I’m also reading The Golem and the Jinni. Boy, what a trip.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Whitney. I hope you are enjoying The Golem and the Jinni as much as I did. I love mythology too. I’m always amazed at the parallels in so many diverse stories.


  2. I really appreciate that one of your writing goals is to write strong female characters that will inspire girls and women. That is one goal we share! Thanks for the fantastic interview!


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