Fiction Blog, Vlog/Video

Next Stop: Vlogville

Hello, everyone!

After months of hum-hawing around and fiddling with technology, I’ve finally decided to just go for it and start my vlog. Mainly, I see this vlog functioning in two ways: A) adding variety to my existing blog and B) providing my readers and fellow writers with a more personable side of myself. I don’t plan to strive for YouTube stardom or even run the vlog independently of this author website, but I hope you all enjoy mixing it up with me.

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Future playlist topics include:

  • My Indie Author Journey
  • Writing/Book Updates
  • Real Life Kate
  • Write/Pub/Life Hacks
  • Passions and Pet Peeves
  • Pick-Me-Ups and Pep Talks

Feel free to share tips and/or links to your vlogs below. To my regular readers: if there are any questions you’d like me to answer or topics you want me to cover, share them, too!

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