Fiction Blog, Writing Updates

Camp NaNoWriMo: July 2015

campingCamp NaNoWriMo sneaked up on me this time around. Honestly, I’m not sure I would have remembered at all if one of my April cabin mates had not emailed me about putting together another cabin for July. Luckily, she did, and I have signed up for the challenge.

For July, I am setting a much lower (though still challenging) word count goal of 30,000 words (as opposed to 75,000 in April). I’ve found that I can write 1,000 words a day pretty comfortably, but it will still be a stretch given our Independence Day weekend vacation plans and the fact that Daniel and I are moving on August 1st. I will be continuing the first draft of the sequel to The Cogsmith’s Daughter (Desertera #1), creatively-titled Desertera #2 at this stage. Of course, I cannot tell you anything about it without ruining most (if not all) of The Cogsmith’s Daughter.

Now, as you may or may not remember (hopefully not), my Camp NaNoWriMo in April was not very successful. Based on this experience, I wanted to share my top five lessons from April so that you all do not repeat my mistakes.

1) Be realistic with your goal. Take into consideration the scope of your project and the non-writing demands in your life. You can always raise/lower your goal during the first two weeks of the event.

2) Be active in your cabin. Having a group of writers around to support you is a great resource. Cheer them on, and let them do the same for you. Share successes and failures, and use theirs to encourage yourself.

3) Don’t worry about other projects. I “lost” Camp NaNoWriMo in April, because I abandoned my draft upon getting the content revision feedback for The Cogsmith’s Daughter. However, I didn’t really start revisions until May anyway. If you can help it, stay focused on your Camp project for the entire month. Unless you have a huge deadline (in which case you probably shouldn’t be doing Camp anyway), other projects can wait.

4) Try new writing techniques. Camp NaNoWriMo is the perfect time to experiment. In April, I found that I actually could write in small chunks of time and that I did not have to end each writing session with the end of a scene/chapter. Breaking these old habits has helped me immensely in my everyday writing.

5) Don’t take it too seriously. The whole point of Camp NaNoWriMo is to have fun. If you go stressing yourself out over your goals, that is even worse than losing or not participating at all.

baby groot worldNow, before I end this scatter-brained post, I need a little help from you all. During April’s Camp, I had Baby Groot as my writing mascot. The question is: should I keep Baby Groot or introduce a new mascot? Vote below!

17 thoughts on “Camp NaNoWriMo: July 2015”

  1. Aww, baby Groot is so adorable! I’d say keep the little fellow, but then, if I were you and was having a frustrating time, I’d get angry and tell him, “Oh, we all know how many words your novel will have.” Mind you, if he did write a book with his limited vocabulary, it may become a bestseller, despite there being no hard copies.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. FIND A NEW MASCOT?!? How could you even CONSIDER such a thing? Baby Groot would be devastated! Plus, you need to give him a chance to make it across the finish line with you at least once.

    Incidentally, there’s still room in our cabin. If any of you esteemed readers of Kate’s blog want to join us, shoot me a mail at amo [at] amovitam [dot] ca with your username, or just reply to this comment with same, and I’ll invite you (marshmallows are complementary).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate your impassioned advocacy for Baby Groot. You make a very good point in that he should have a “win” of his own. I shall put that in the top of the “Pro Baby Groot” column.

      And yes! Join our cabin! We’re awesome.


  3. Baby Groot rules!

    I will also go on July with the purpose of drafting and plotting, and maybe revising. So, nothing of a challenge. Writing one word is good enough. Good luck! o/

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Since I’ve done very little towards my New Year’s resolution of polishing one of my novels, I’m using Camp Nanowrimo to do that. One of my Nano buddies pointed me to a website suggesting a rule where 1 hour of editing = 1000 words. Unfortunately I haven’t even really had time to make a proper plan, besides going over my first draft and noting things I need to change or expand on – but there’s still four days left in June!
    Good luck, Kate!


  5. I have been ignoring the fact that July starts in less than a week. I haven’t even really picked a project yet – oops. I think your tips are spot on, especially about being realistic with your goals. The wonderful thing about Camp NaNoWriMo is that you’re not bound by the 50,000 word requirement of November, so it’s a great opportunity to aim for a lower word count. I think my goal will be 30-40K (once I commit to a story, of course).

    And Baby Groot, all the way!

    Liked by 1 person

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